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If you are seeing yourself as a "Fan" of a team on the app, this is because the profile you are logging in with is not connected to the player that is rostered to the team. This happens when a player makes their own account when their parent has registered them, or when a player registers under their own account and a parent is not on the account.

SOLUTION:  Add a Guardian

  1. Log in to the SE app using the email address that was used to complete the registration process, and ensure you can see all information about the appropriate team.
  2. Go to My Account and select the Player you need to add access to.
  3. Click on the Guardians tab and click Add Guardian.
  4. Enter the email address for the account you want to use. If a player is trying to gain access, it would be the email address they created an account with. If you are trying to add an additional parent, it would be their email address. Click Save.
  5. The new "Guardian" should receive an email confirmation. Follow link in the email to complete the process and confirm you can now see the player's information, participate in Group Chat, etc.

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